Robust and Resilient Financial Centre

Cyber Resilience

Enhancing Cyber Resilience

The 11th Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance, co-hosted by MAS and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, was held in San Francisco (25-26 June 2018)  
The Symposium, entitled “The Regulator of the Future: Supervision and Regulation in an Evolving Financial Sector”, discussed developments in regulation and supervision of the financial sector since the 2008 financial crisis.  Symposium participants also shared views on emerging risks from the increasing use of technology, and how regulators, supervisors and the industry can work together to address such risks.


Launch of the CEntral banks, REgulators and Supervisors ("CERES") Forum (1 July 2018)
MAS played a key role in conceptualising the global information sharing forum, which was launched by the Financial Services-Information Sharing Analysis Centre. This forum enables authorities to share and distribute information on cyber threats, vulnerabilities, incidents and other intelligence that could impact the financial ecosystem. 

MAS consulted the public on the Cyber Hygiene Notice to require all regulated financial institutions to implement essential cyber security measures to further strengthen their overall resilience (3 September 2018)
The most critical cyber security measures are to: 

  • remediate system security flaws in a timely manner;
  • establish and implement robust security for systems; 
  • deploy security devices to protect system connections;
  • implement measures to mitigate the risk of malware infection;  
  • restrict the use of system accounts with special privileges; and 
  • strengthen user authentication on critical systems and systems that contain customer information. 

MAS had proposed to stipulate these measures which were already part of the existing MAS Technology Risk Management Guidelines, as legally binding requirements.

Media Release:


Consultation Paper:

MAS launched a new S$30 million Cybersecurity Capabilities Grant to strengthen the cyber resilience of the financial sector and help financial institutions develop local talent in cybersecurity  (3 December 2018)
The Grant will co-fund up to 50% of qualifying expenses, capped at S$3 million, for (a) financial institutions to establish their global or regional cybersecurity centres of excellence in Singapore; and (b) financial institutions with key global or regional cybersecurity functions and operations in Singapore to expand and deepen their cybersecurity capabilities locally. 

Media Release:

MAS appointed as chair of the Financial Stability Board’s Working Group on Cyber Incident Response and Recovery (CIRR) (28 January 2019)
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has been working on enhancing the cyber resilience of financial institutions to enhance financial stability.  FSB sees the importance for financial institutions and authorities to have in place effective practices to respond to, and recover from, a cyber incident. The CIRR, chaired by MAS’ Deputy Managing Director Ong Chong Tee, will develop a toolkit of effective practices for financial institutions as well as for supervisors and other relevant authorities to support financial institutions before, during and after a cyber incident.

MAS issued two consultation papers on proposed revisions to technology risk and business continuity management guidelines to enhance operational resilience of financial institutions (7 March 2019)
The revisions take into account the rapidly changing physical and cyber threat landscape. The guidelines continue to emphasise the importance of risk culture, and the roles of Board of Directors and senior management in technology risk and business continuity management.

Media Release:

Consultation Papers:

Related Links to Enhancing Cyber Resilience

Well-Functioning Capital Markets

Well-Functioning Capital Markets

[Insert Text Here]

ASEAN Young Regulators Exchange Program (15 January 2018 to 13 April 2018) 
MAS has actively participated in developing and rolling out the ASEAN Young Regulators (AYR) staff exchange program since 2016, where member countries can offer secondment opportunities under the ACMF Market Development Program umbrella.  This is to facilitate the development of domestic markets to ensure that they achieve the depth and maturity required to enable meaningful participation in ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF) initiatives. Under the AYR, participating ASEAN capital market regulatory agencies/bodies offer short-term attachment opportunities. MAS has hosted staff from ASEAN member countries under the AYR.

MAS consulted the public on measures to address the use of sign-on incentives in the recruitment of financial advisory representatives (7 March 2018)
Large scale movement of representatives from one financial advisory firm to another can give rise to heightened market conduct risks, potentially disrupting business operations and adversely affect consumer interest. The measures aim to safeguard consumers by mitigating the risk of mis-selling and improper switching of insurance policies.

Consultation Paper:

MAS introduced new requirements relating to OTC derivatives reforms (OTCD) to reduce systemic risk (2 May 2018) 
The requirements, which took effect on 1 October 2018, include (a) requiring large banks to clear SGD and USD fixed-floating interest rate swaps with Central Counterparties, to mitigate counterparty credit risks, and (b) expanding trade reporting requirements to equity and commodity OTCD contracts. MAS also issued new regulations on the trading of OTCD contracts on regulated platforms to improve market transparency.

Media Release:

MAS issued the revised Code of Corporate Governance to support sustained corporate performance and innovation, and strengthen investor confidence in our capital markets (6 August 2018) 
This was a recommendation by the Corporate Governance Council as part of their review to strengthen corporate governance in Singapore. As part of the recommendations, MAS also established a Corporate Governance Advisory Committee to advocate good corporate governance practices among listed companies in Singapore.

Media Releases: 


Parliamentary Reply: 

MAS issued guidelines on liquidity risk management practices for fund management companies (16 August 2018)
MAS issued guidelines to fund management companies to mitigate the risks to investors from potential liquidity mismatches between the collective investment scheme’s portfolio liquidity and redemption terms.

Consultation Paper:

MAS simplifies rules to allow regulated exchanges to list derivatives faster and with more flexibility (5 October 2018)
MAS removed the existing approval regime for the listing of new derivatives products by approved exchanges and recognised market operators in favour of a notification regime. 
This will reduce the time-to-market for new product launches, and allow approved exchanges and recognised market operators greater certainty to plan and time their product launches.

Media Releases:

Consultation Papers:

MAS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with other members of the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) on the ACMF Professional Mobility Framework (11 October 2018)

The MOU with the Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand, the Securities Commission Malaysia and the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission on the ASEAN Capital Market Professional Mobility Framework took effect from 1 January 2019. Under the MOU, finance professionals can provide financial advisory services in participating ASEAN jurisdictions through a fast track approval process (known as the ACMF Pass). A Handbook was also published to provide operational guidance on the ACMF Pass.

MAS concluded two agreements with the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
  • The MAS-CSRC Staff Exchange Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (24 October 2018)
The MOU, signed at the 3rd MAS-CSRC Supervisory Roundtable, aims to facilitate staff exchanges between the two agencies to deepen working relationships and mutual understanding.  This affirmed commitment to strengthen supervisory cooperation and enhance financial connectivity between the capital markets of both countries.
  • MAS-CSRC MOU on the Cooperation and Exchange of Information on the Regulation of Derivatives Activities (14 November 2018)
    The MOU aims to enhance information sharing and cross-border supervision of futures exchanges and intermediaries that offer cross-border services to each other’s market participants.  The exchange of the MOU was witnessed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the side of the 33rd ASEAN Summit in November 2018.
Singapore became the first jurisdiction to achieve mutual recognition arrangement of certain derivatives trading venues with both the United States and the European Union(13 March 2019 - United States; 1 April 2019 - European Union) 
Participants from either markets are now able to trade most over-the-counter derivatives on the same platforms. This will improve cross-border market efficiency and provide market participants access to deeper pools of liquidity. 

MAS, together with Securities Commission Malaysia, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Thailand and Singapore Exchange, signed a revised MoU on the Streamlined Review Framework for ASEAN Common Prospectus (18 March 2019)

The MoU covers issuances of plain debt securities under a debt issuance programme. This is an extension of the existing streamlined review process, which caters for equities and one-off issuance of plain debt securities to allow issuers making cross-border offerings to achieve faster time to market and lower cost.

MAS updated the Guide to Digital Token Offerings to provide greater clarity to the industry (30 November 2018 and 5 April 2019)

MAS published a guide on the application of securities laws administered by MAS, in relation to the offers or issues of digital tokens in Singapore. The updated guide provides greater clarity to the industry regarding anti-money laundering, and countering financing of terrorism requirements, the new Payments Services Act, as well as a checklist to help issuers determine whether and how to write in to MAS.

Information Paper:

  • A Guide to Digital Token Offerings

Related Links to Strengthening Singapore's Capital Markets

International Meetings

International Meetings

Singapore was invited by the G20 Presidency Argentina, to participate in the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) Meetings (11 to 12 October 2018) and the Buenos Aires Summit (30 November to 1 December 2018)
The G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance, chaired by then Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, submitted its recommendations to the G20 FMCBG in October 2018.

MAS participated in meetings of key international organisations and standard setting bodies which promote global financial stability and develop sound and robust financial standards  (Ongoing)
These included the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and the Financial Stability Board (FSB), as well as the steering committees and technical working groups of global standard setting bodies such as the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), and the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF).