
Find data on Singapore’s banking and insurance sectors. Data on foreign reserves, currency statistics, exchange rates and interest rates are also available.

Browse Statistics

Browse MAS statistics by category.

Insurance Statistics

Annual Statistics
View yearly insurance statistics, including key financial indicators, industry data, and life and general insurance returns.

Quarterly Unaudited Statistics
View quarterly data for life and general insurance, including premiums, retention ratios, new business, business in force and net investment income.

Insurance Company Returns
View returns on life and general business by insurer.

Money and Banking - Monthly Statistical Bulletin

The Monthly Statistical Bulletin provides key monetary and banking statistics to inform market participants, analysts and the wider public of the latest financial sector developments in Singapore.

About the Monthly Statistical Bulletin

View the statistics: 

Reserve Statistics

Official Foreign Reserves
View data on Singapore's foreign reserves, including special drawing rights, reserve position in the IMF, and gold and foreign exchange.

Monetary Authority: Assets and Liabilities
View the breakdown of MAS' assets and liabilities, including foreign assets, domestic credit, reserve money, foreign liabilities and government deposits.

International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity
View data on Singapore's Official Foreign Reserves according to the IMF's Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity.


Currency Statistics

Find statistical information on the value of notes and coins which have been issued into circulation here.


RMB Statistics

Find information on the level of RMB deposits in Singapore.

OTC Derivatives Statistics

View reports on aggregate over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transaction activity submitted by reporting institutions to DTCC Data Repository (Singapore) Pte Ltd (DDRS) as part of reporting obligations under the Securities and Futures Act (SFA).

About OTC derivatives statistics

View monthly OTC derivatives statistics

Exchange Rates
Interest Rates and Core Inflation
Bonds and Bills Statistics

View the statistics:

Survey Submissions

Access and submit statistical surveys here.

Statistics APIs for Developers

Access MAS APIs for exchange rates, interest rates, loans and more. The APIs enable you to seamlessly extract the relevant datasets for your applications and systems.

View the list of APIs