Anti-Money Laundering

Singapore supports global efforts to combat money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation financing. Maintaining a clean and trusted financial centre is important because of our role as an international business hub.  Find out more about MAS’ AML/CFT regime to combat criminal activities.


Combating money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation financing are priorities for MAS. We require our financial institutions to have sufficiently robust controls to detect and deter such illicit activities. We also partner the industry to bolster their defences, by engaging them on emerging money laundering risks, evolving criminal typologies and industry best practices. MAS is firmly committed to safeguarding Singapore as a clean and trusted financial centre.

Sustained effort and unstinting vigilance will be needed on the part of industry players to manage the risk of illicit finance and keep our financial centre clean.

Ravi Menon, Managing Director, MAS

MAS Annual Report 2016/2017

Our Role in International Standard Setting

Singapore is an active member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global standard setting and oversight body for AML/CFT. As co-chair of its Policy Development Group, Singapore collaborates closely with fellow AML/CFT policy makers and supervisors to develop international standards. We are a founding member of the Asia / Pacific Group on Money Laundering . We are committed to implementing a robust regulatory and supervisory regime in line with the FATF Standards and international best practices.

What's New

Regulations and Guidance

The controls that MAS requires of financial institutions include the need to identify and know their customers (including beneficial owners), conduct regular account reviews, and monitor and report any suspicious transaction.

The requirements and expectations on financial institutions are set out in MAS' AML/CFT NoticesGuidelines, and other Guidances on MAS' supervisory expectations.

Financial institutions should also refer to:

Financial institutions must also comply with MAS regulations which give effect to obligations arising from the United Nations Security Council Resolutions to combat proliferation financing. They must also comply with obligations to combat terrorism financing, such as those found under the Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act .

Under the MAS Act , a financial institution that fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of its applicable AML/CFT notice is guilty of an offence and will be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1 million.