Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code

The FX Global Code applies to the wholesale foreign exchange (FX) market globally. It sets out principles that promote a robust, fair, liquid, open, and appropriately transparent FX market, underpinned by high ethical standards.

The Code was developed through a collaborative process between the Bank for International Settlements' Foreign Exchange Working Group and private sector market participants.

MAS has issued its Statement of Commitment to the Code. This demonstrates MAS’ commitment to adhering to the principles of the Code when acting as a market participant and that its internal practices and processes are aligned with the principles of the Code.

Read the statement below:

Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (“Institution”) has reviewed the content of the FX Global Code (“Code”) and acknowledges that the Code represents a set of principles generally recognised as good practice in the wholesale foreign exchange market (“FX Market”). The Institution confirms that it acts as a Market Participant as defined by the Code, and is committed to conducting its FX Market activities (“Activities”) in a manner consistent with the principles of the Code. To this end, the Institution has taken appropriate steps, based on the size and complexity of its Activities, and the nature of its engagement in the FX Market, to align its Activities with the principles of the Code.

Monetary Authority of Singapore 28 May 2018

Download the statement (66.6 KB)