Fixed Income

As the gateway to Asia's bond market, Singapore is well positioned to meet the growing and increasingly sophisticated debt financing needs of the region.


Singapore's corporate bond market has grown in depth and breadth over the past decade. It will continue to be fuelled by Asia's demand for long-term capital to support infrastructure and sustainable growth.

Singapore’s corporate bond market is fully accessible to all issuers and investors globally. There are no capital controls, hedging restrictions, or withholding taxes on qualifying debt securities. 

Issuers are supported by an ecosystem of international and regional banks’ debt capital markets teams, lawyers, accountants and rating agencies that provide essential services in issuing a bond. 

A wide range of investors including financial institutions, fund managers, insurance companies, private banks and retail investors participates in Singapore’s corporate bond market.

You can get more information about Singapore's bond market and the qualifying debt securities in the following pages:

Singapore Corporate Debt Market Reports

Qualifying Debt Securities Enquiry System

Key Facts

The bond market ecosystem remains a big draw, with several companies issuing in Singapore repeatedly.
- Ravi Menon, Managing Director, MAS
At Nomura Investment Forum Asia

Regulations & Guidelines

Capital market activities are regulated under the Securities and Futures Act . The Act puts in place the rules and regulations concerning markets, market operators, clearing facilities, intermediaries and representatives based on their activities.

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