Green FinTech

Technology and Sustainability are the two key driving forces shaping the future of financial services. Accordingly, MAS has been actively promoting FinTech and Green Finance. The FinTech journey began in 2015 and Singapore is today often cited as one of the leading FinTech hubs in the world.

The Sustainability agenda is more nascent, with the launch of the Green Finance Action Plan in 2019. One of the key strategies is to harness our strengths in FinTech to address the key challenges in the Green Finance space – what we call Green FinTech.

"FinTech in particular has great potential to be a force for good. We can bring together the power of finance and technology, to help create a more inclusive society and a more sustainable planet."

 Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore
FinTech for an Inclusive Society and a Sustainable Planet

Project Greenprint

Project Greenprint is a collection of initiatives that aims to harness technology and data to enable a more transparent, trusted and efficient ESG ecosystem to enable green and sustainable finance.

Our Objectives

Project Greenprint Platforms

MAS will partner the industry to develop digital utilities that facilitate the efficient flow of trusted ESG data, to support financial institutions and businesses in mobilising capital to sustainable projects, monitoring commitments and measuring impact. 

Greenprint Visual 

ESG Disclosure Portal

An integrated disclosure portal to ease sustainability reporting and enhance access to ESG data. Reporting companies can upload corporate-level sustainability data onto the portal, of which will be mapped against various standards and frameworks. This addresses corporates’ current pain points where they must report in different systems, templates and formats. On a consent basis, these data can be shared with authorised recipients, facilitating the transfer of data to multiple stakeholders.

This project will start with a pilot with SGX for listed issuers in Singapore and SGX will be looking to on board the first batch of listed issuers in 2022. Beyond the pilot, the portal will seek to also reflect other regulatory or voluntary disclosure requirements by other government agencies and private sector players based in Singapore. 

Data Orchestrator
The data orchestrator aggregates sustainability data from multiple data sources - major ESG data providers, utilities providers, the ESG Disclosure Portal, and other sectoral platforms, and provides consent-based access to these sources. The platform will enable new data insights to be generated through data analytics to better support investment and financing decisions.
ESG Registry
The Greenprint ESG Registry, which is developed in partnership with Hashstacs Pte Ltd (“STACS”), aims to be a blockchain-powered data platform supporting a tamper-proof record of sustainability certifications and verified sustainability data across various sectors, providing financial institutions, corporates, and regulatory authorities a common access point for these data. This will facilitate better tracking and analysis of corporates’ sustainability commitments, impact measurement, alleviate greenwashing risks, and improve management of ESG financial products.

The Greenprint Registry will be powered by STACS’ ESGpedia, which is currently deployed in its beta phase, with ongoing partnerships with numerous leading financial, non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”) and a growing ecosystem starting with the agri-food, building and construction, transport and logistics, carbon credit, and renewable energy sectors.

Greenprint Marketplace
The Greenprint Marketplace facilitates the growth of a vibrant green fintech ecosystem by connecting green fintech and green technology providers to investors, financial institutions and corporates.  

The digital platform will provide curated listings of solution providers, solution seekers and investors to facilitate discovery, acceleration of partnerships and channeling of investments towards green and sustainable solutions and initiatives. It is expected to launch in 2023.