Schemes and Initiatives
Published Date: 14 March 2019

FinTech Regulatory Sandbox

View the current list of active experiments in the FinTech Regulatory Sandbox.

Active Sandbox Experiments

Sandbox Entity Start Date of the Sandbox Period Expiry Date of the Sandbox Period Remarks

Company: Inzsure Pte Ltd
Incorporated In: Singapore
Address: 20 Collyer Quay #09-01
Singapore 049319
Telephone: +65 9859 8880
Institution Type: Insurance Brokers

01 Nov 2018 31 Oct 2019 Clients of Inzsure Pte Ltd will not have access to the dispute resolution scheme managed by the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC).
Company: MetLife Innovation Centre Pte Ltd ("MICPL")
Incorporated In: Singapore
Address: 9 North Buona Vista Drive, #20-05, Metropolis Tower One, Singapore 138588
Telephone: +65 6715 8809
Institution Type: Direct Insurer (General)
18 Jun 2018 17 Mar 2019 Policies sold by MICPL are not protected under the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Clients of MICPL will not have access to the dispute resolution scheme managed by the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC). The sandbox expiry date has been extended from 17 Dec 2018 to 17 Mar 2019.
Company: TransferFriend Pte Ltd
Incorporated In: Singapore
Address: 331 North Bridge Road, #02-01 Odeon Towers, Singapore 188720
Telephone: +65 3159 0029
Institution Type: Remittance Business
22 Jan 2018 21 Jul 2018 TransferFriend Pte Ltd has exited the sandbox on 21 Jul 2018.
With effect from 22 Jul 2018, TransferFriend Pte Ltd is no longer licensed to advertise or carry on a remittance business in Singapore.

MICPL has to fulfil all its contractual obligations to all its policy owners even after the expiry date of the sandbox.

Engaging the Services of a Sandbox Entity

From time to time, MAS receives information on companies that have claimed to be approved by MAS to experiment in the sandbox. Consumers should exercise care when dealing with these companies or with other persons acting on their behalf.

Are you thinking about purchasing a product or engaging the services of a company that is operating in the sandbox? Find out more here.