Schemes and Initiatives
Published Date: 03 January 2019

Asian Bond Grant Scheme

The Asian Bond Grant Scheme encourages first-time Asian issuers to issue bonds from Singapore. Find out the grants available for qualifying issuers.


Singapore offers an excellent ecosystem for Asian companies to raise international capital. Asian corporates, including Chinese and Indian companies, looking to regionalise and globalise are increasingly looking to international bond markets to raise capital and to diversify funding sources.

MAS introduced the Asian Bond Grant Scheme to support first-time Asia issuers in Singapore‘s bond market, up to an amount of $400,000.

See also: Singapore - the Gateway to Asia's Bond Market

Grant Details

For the funding period between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2019:

Grant categories Details
Qualifying issuer First-time Asian companies and non-bank financial institutions.
Qualifying issuance
  • Bond issued and listed in Singapore.
  • Minimum size of $200 million.
  • Minimum tenure of 3 years.
  • Denominated in Asian local or G3 currencies.
  • For SGD-denominated bond issuance, rated by an international credit rating agency.
Eligible expenses
  • Arranger fees
  • Audit fees
  • Credit rating fees
  • Legal fees
  • Listing fees
Per-issuance cap
  • Rated: Cap of $400,000 or 50% of the eligible expenses (credit rating fees can obtain 100% funding).
  • Unrated: Cap of $200,000 or 50% of the total eligible expenses.