Supporting Our Staff

MAS took steps to care for and support staff in working safely through COVID-19


MAS had more than 85% of our staff working from home during last year’s circuit breaker period, having put in place the necessary IT infrastructure and support for remote working. Staff were regularly updated on good cybersecurity practices and the safeguards needed for information security, to mitigate risks arising from work from home arrangements. Virtual workshops were also conducted to help staff use teleconference tools more effectively. MAS Academy provided access to an additional e-learning platform, Coursera, to allow staff to continue learning at their own pace. MAS also took steps to make our workplaces safe for staff, including by disinfecting common areas twice as often as before and treating commonly touched surfaces with anti-microbial coatings. 

MAS’ management continued to have regular engagements with staff through virtual townhalls. MAS also set up an internal COVID Hub to disseminate information to staff and instituted a daily health monitoring system. A well-being survey was conducted to engage staff on how the organisation could better support them in adjusting to working from home, and staff were offered access to counselling services.

In 2020, more than 40 MAS officers volunteered with front-line agencies such as Enterprise Singapore, Housing & Development Board, National Environment Agency and People's Association, to support the national effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 and address queries from the public.