Banking and Capital Markets


Incentivising more issuances through MAS Sustainable Bond & Loan Grant Schemes

Our Sustainable Bond Grant Scheme (SBGS) and Green & Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme (GSLS) support corporates globally to invest in sustainable projects and assets, and adopt sustainable business practices.

In essence, the two grant schemes cover the costs of engaging independent service providers to validate the green and sustainability credentials of:

  1. Green, social, sustainable, and sustainability-linked bonds 
  2. Green and sustainability-linked loans.

Accelerating Growth of Green Bond Markets in Asia through IFC-MAS Partnership

The IFC-MAS Partnership aims to encourage green bond issuances in two ways:

  1. Enhance the awareness and knowledge of professionals working in financial institutions on green finance through capacity building programmes;
  2. Promote the adoption of internationally recognised green bond standards and frameworks.

MAS' Grants and Initiatives

To encourage more of such bond and loan issuances, and greater investments in green projects, MAS has rolled out a series of initiatives, including two grant schemes and a partnership.  

Sustainable Bond Grant Scheme

The Sustainable Bond Grant Scheme (SBGS) encourages the issuance of green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked bonds in Singapore. Sustainable bond issuers can tap this grant to cover the additional cost of obtaining an external review on the impact of such bonds. 

Learn more information about the SBGS

Green and Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme

The world’s first Green and Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme (GSLS) supports corporates to raise financing for investments in green projects, assets and more sustainable business models. It also encourages banks to develop green and sustainability-linked loan frameworks to make such financing more accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises. Borrowers can use this grant to offset the additional cost of validating green and sustainability-linked loans and frameworks.

Learn more information about the Green and Sustainability-Linked Loan Grant Scheme

IFC-MAS Partnership

MAS is partnering the International Financial Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to promote the growth of green bond markets in Asia.

Learn more information about the IFC-MAS Memorandum of Understanding